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Saving The Alien Star Lord (Alien SciFi Romance) Page 12

  She crossed her arms in front of her tits trying to hide them from his view, but to her chagrin, she was sure that he had already caught sight of her hard nipples. His eyes lingered where her arms crossed in front of her chest, and lust radiated from his eyes. Eyes that looked entirely human, except that the irises were a vibrant orange and the lids were more deeply hooded, like the eyes of cowboys in old movies, the heroes squinting against the hot, bright, desert sun.

  “It was you who called out to me. Or, I should say, that you wished upon 'us.' My brother and I, we were the bright light that you saw in the sky last night. We have been watching you, and then we heard your wish. And when we saw you; your flaming red hair so similar in color to the markings on our skin; your beautiful, pale body, nearly naked before us. We knew in that moment that you were the answer for us, and I believe, we are the answer for you, as well,” he finished eloquently.

  “So, what you're trying to tell me is that you're really an alien—a bright, shiny alien--and you've abducted me!” The idea sounded ludicrous even to her own ears. “Then how in the world, may I ask, are you wearing Levi jeans?!?” She'd noticed the label peeking from his pocket, and now began to wonder if this was some sort of crazy ruse. But she couldn't imagine who in the world would have been the instigator. And this would have to be some very elaborate ruse.

  “In truth, I'm not. The clothing you see are simply an illusion, meant to simulate an ordinary encounter for you as much as possible,” Ny-len responded honestly. “As you will come to see, I also have no interest in lying to you, Rachel. You are far too important to waste time with lies and deceit,” he explained emphatically.

  “Oh.” Rachel couldn't think of an intelligent retort at the moment, and was still far too uncertain about what was going on to make any sort of educated guess. If this was a ruse, she had no idea how to expose it at the moment, so she played along.

  “How exactly am I important?” she queried skeptically.

  “A battle is being fought on my planet among its tribes. In fact, it has been waging since long before my birth. But now, it has nearly eradicated my entire species. You have no idea what it is like to look around you and see so few of those like you left. And all in a struggle for power and dominance,” he spit out the final words, full of disgust at the notion.

  His words seemed so genuine it was hard to believe that this was all some ridiculous setup. “So, how old are you?” she asked, entirely uncertain why that particular question came to mind.

  “I am twenty years old, according to you measurement of age,” he returned without hesitation.

  “But, you look so much older,” she spoke aloud. It's not that he looked like an old man, quite the opposite in fact, but she would have pegged him for mid-thirties.

  “We do not age as you do, nor do we have a comparable life span. While your species may live into their hundreds, the oldest recorded member of my species, his light was extinguished when he was thirty-five years old,” he replied.

  “Oh. But what exactly does that have to do with me?” Rachel asked, so caught up in the stranger and his story that how she came to be standing before him had completely slipped her mind.

  “We'll get to that, Rachel,” he replied. And then abruptly he spoke again. “But for now, I really must leave.”

  “Leave? What do you mean leave? What about me?”

  Was he going to leave her in this room? Was she his prisoner? He had already begun to cross the room toward the door.

  “You need time to rest, Rachel. It is for you that I must leave,” he explained cryptically.

  “But I just woke up. Why on earth would I need to rest? What I need are answers. What I need is to go home!” she cried, more pleadingly than angry.

  But Ny-len had already left the room. She ran behind him to try the door that had shut when he left, but it would not budge. She knew there was no point in pounding on the door, demanding her release. She'd seen enough movies to know that trick never worked. All of a sudden, a calmness came over her, like it had the night before after making her wish. She walked back to the hard, smooth table she had awoken upon, and sat down on the edge. She didn't feel tired, but allowed her body to lay back regardless, feeling the strange calm course through her. And then she was fast asleep again.


  She had no idea how long she had been sleeping when she awoke this time. But, she woke to the sound of voices nearby. She tried to remain still to avoid alerting the speakers to her state of consciousness.

  “You see why I had to leave now don't you,” she heard the familiar voice say.

  “No, I really don't Ny-len. We brought her here for a purpose. And if you're already up to the task, why postpone it? Why not take her now?” a second voice responded.

  “Take me where?” Rachel wondered.

  She hadn't the slightest clue what was going on. She dared to open her eyes just a little to peek at the scene before her. But she closed them again quickly as the pair turned and began heading in her direction. She focused on her breathing, keeping it steady like she were still fast asleep. She nearly jumped when she felt a hand touch the soft skin of her thigh, but forced herself to remain still. The hand slid down her thigh and then back up, stopping less than an inch away from her pussy.

  “I can certainly see why you're ready for this Ny-len,” the other voice continued. The voice was so near she was certain it was this one that currently had his hand on her thigh.

  “You know I don't want it to be like that,” Ny-len responded.

  “But, you can feel the energy coming from her as well. You know that she was responding to you. I could practically smell her arousal from the other room, Ny-len,” the voice continued in such a logical tone.

  “No!” Rachel screamed silently. How in the world could they possibly know how her body had been responding? She couldn't understand herself why the strange and beautiful alien creature had her so aroused. As if her body could sense him yet again, she was already beginning to feel that same throbbing she had felt before.

  And then the hand on her thigh was moving again, gliding in one swift sweep up over her hip, her waist. Rachel gritted her teeth against the arousal coursing through her. Fingers circled around her tits and then continued down the center of her stomach to move slowly over her fabric-covered clit.

  “Oh my God!” Rachel thought.

  She couldn't believe it. She could have sworn it was a hand that had been moving across her body, but all of a sudden, the object over her clit began to vibrate. She sat up abruptly, forgetting that she had been trying to maintain the appearance of sleep. She was wide awake, but the heat spreading throughout her body must have been clouding her vision. It looked like it was a hand that rested against her clit, and it was vibrating! And it didn't stop just because Rachel was sitting up, staring back at him. It was not Ny-len, but the other human-like creature in the room. He pressed his fingers more firmly against her clit and the vibrations suddenly increased. Rachel moaned loudly and her head rolled back in pleasure.

  She knew this was wrong, and she should resist; scream, claw, jump off the table...but then the vibrations increased even more. Within seconds Rachel's body was writhing on the cold, smooth surface beneath her, and she began to cum with the vibrating fingers pressed hard against her clit. She collapsed back on the table, and Ny-len pushed the other figure's hand away from her body.

  “You see,” said the figure. “She wants it. Even now, in the aftermath of her orgasm, she is not resisting. She is drawn to you, and so much so that with you here, her body is happy to accept me as well,” he explained.

  Keeping her eyes closed, Rachel tossed what the stranger said around in her mind for a moment. She had just cum right there before two strangers—to vibrating fingers! And as much as she knew she should resist, she wanted more. She was so embarrassed by her wanton behavior, but still she stayed where she was.

  “You don't have to complete the task just yet. But let her body get used to what you can do
to it. Look at her, Ny-len, sense her, smell her. You know her body wants this,” the stranger urged.

  Ny-len was too aroused to walk away this time. But he wouldn't take things too far just yet. He wanted to see for himself how Rachel would respond to him. He looked down at her; she was laying back but her knees were bent. Instead of touching her, he spoke.

  “Will you stretch out your legs for me, Rachel? Lay flat on the table?” he queried softly.

  She knew without a doubt that she should refuse. There was absolutely no way she should be agreeing to Ny-len's request, but she did, as her eyes opened to gaze into his hooded eyes.

  What was wrong with her?

  “That's it, Rachel. God, you look incredible spread out before me like this,” he spoke in awe. “I want to touch you now, Rachel. Will you let me touch you?” he asked.

  Again, she didn't know why but she nodded her consent as part of her screamed at her to stop this. She was humiliating herself. Did she want to be known forever as a whore? Ny-len used one hand to slowly pull down the waist of her shorts just enough to expose her clit. He placed his fingers there, where his brother's fingers had been just a moment ago. He rubbed slowly for a moment, watching the response in her eyes. And then the vibrations began again, gentle at first and then with increasing speed and intensity.

  “Oh God, Yes!” her depraved mind screamed to her.

  If this is what being a whore felt like, then yes. She wanted to be a whore! Rachel's back arched off the table, her hips writhed and she stifled her screams with her hand. She began to cum, and this time even more violently than the first, her body bucking wildly against Ny-len's vibrating fingers. He removed his hand from her body and returned the waistband of Rachel's shorts to where it had rested prior. But this time, Rachel did not squeeze her eyes closed in humiliation. She stared back at Ny-len as the aftershocks of her orgasm spread through her, confused and desperately trying to figure out what was wrong with her.

  The look on his face turned fierce as he fought to hold back his own desire. It scared Rachel enough to shake her out of her horny stupor. She quickly scurried away to the other end of the table and nearly fell off in her haste. Ny-len was there, moving as a blur before her eyes to prevent her fall. And then he was dashing out of the room as he had before.

  The other stranger let his eyes roam over Rachel's body one more time, and then he followed Ny-len out the door, leaving Rachel alone once again. She had to try to escape, but she had no idea how. The door didn't work, and aside from the table she had found herself on this morning, there was nothing else in the room. Just walls and floor, and no sign of a trap door anywhere. So she sat there. What else could she do?


  She was on her feet and backing away the moment the door slid open again. Ny-len entered first and walked straight over to where Rachel stood.

  “I do not want you to fear me, Rachel. I will explain to you why you're important now so perhaps you will understand what is happening. Sit, please,” Ny-len motioned for her to take a seat.

  “And I hope you will understand why we brought you here. As I told you, my species has been warring for some time, and we live substantially shorter life spans than your species,” he began.

  “We are, however, far more technologically advanced in many ways. Every time a new weapon is invented to give us the upper hand, it takes our enemy such little time to make something to counteract our advance.”

  Ny-len continued, “We were watching you, Rachel, because we were able to identify your particular genetic makeup, and it is rare. It is also compatible with our own genetics, meaning we can produce offspring together; offspring that will live longer than my species, giving them a real chance at ending this war. You see, even though we live substantially shorter lifespans, my species does not mature any faster than yours—slower even perhaps. And until they are fully grown, they are easily injured. We cannot very well send our children out into battle. What stitches could repair for your species, there would be no hope for the young ones of mine. So, you see, the majority of my species cannot fight. Those young ones who have been brave enough to try...well...they never come back to us. We need a stronger force of allies who will live many years; who are not so easily extinguished.”

  “There can be no more passing the responsibility of the battle from one generation to the next. We spend our entire time as children hiding, running. Think of it Rachel, an entire planet of young ones who spend their years scared, not knowing whether they will live to see tomorrow. And even if they do, eventually, they will have no choice but to stand at the front of the line, battling the enemy in one way or another. And regardless of how scared they are or how unfair life has been to them, they will stand there to try to protect the next generation of young ones.”

  “Oh, we had contemplated seriously for some time, banning the right to procreate. We thought that it would perhaps be kinder to let our species die out, rather than to create new lives only to subject them to a terrifying youth and an inescapable early death.”

  “The blending of our species will create a generation of warriors; intelligent beings who are strong, who can fight, who will live long enough to see the end of war, and a new age of peace on my planet. One solid force that will see a plan through and triumph over our enemy,” Ny-len concluded passionately.

  “And what happens to this new 'blended species' when your war is over?” Rachel had gotten caught up in Ny-len's compelling story once again, and her role in all of it escaped her mind momentarily.

  “They will, of course, enjoy the peace of our planet. They will live among us, mate with my species, and eventually, there will be one, blended species. It is a good thing, Rachel. These offspring will maintain the enhanced intelligence, the talents that my species possesses, but will incorporate the benefits that your species offers, as well: the strength and vitality among your species' young ones; your longevity.”

  “And you will play a part in this, making an eternal difference in the world, isn't that what you wanted? What difference does it make which world you leave your legacy? You will conceive and bear the first,” Ny-len finished, looking certain the Rachel would see the logic in his argument.

  “You want me to breed for you?!?” Rachel asked incredulously, remembering why she had been brought here.

  “Oh, I promise you, Rachel. You will enjoy the process very much. As you've seen, my species can do many things that yours cannot,” he explained huskily.

  Rachel gulped loudly. The heat in Ny-len's eyes was doing strange things to her body again, making her wetter than before and desperate for more than something vibrating against her clit.

  His brother had been right. Ny-len could see it in her eyes; he could sense the change in her body; he could smell the wetness between her legs. This compulsion he felt toward a potentially successful mate was powerful, and it was obvious that Rachel was feeling the same innate compulsion.

  Ny-len's brother, Rogue, came through the door in the next moment. And within seconds, Ny-len could sense the increase in Rachel's arousal; Rogue must also have the potential for creating a successful offspring with this woman. And he knew instinctively that she was so overwhelmed that she didn't have the will to fight. Her body would have no desire for anything but pleasure now. This is when it must happen. But, without a doubt, he would make sure it was an incredible experience.

  “Stand up, Rachel,” Ny-len instructed softly.

  And he had been right in his assessment of her state of arousal. She hesitated for just a moment, but ultimately what her pussy wanted won out, and she stood before him.

  “Take off your clothes,” he murmured huskily.

  And she did. Rachel hooked her fingers into the hem of her shirt and slid it slowly over her head, letting her tits spring free to the brothers' view. She dropped the shirt on the ground and hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her shorts. She slid them down her thighs slowly, bending to slip the shorts over her calves and off her feet. She stood before them
nearly nude, just a single scrap of fabric remaining. When she didn't immediately strip off the thong, Rogue, spoke up.

  “That too, Rachel. We want to see every inch of your beautiful, naked body.”

  Without hesitation, she used her thumbs to slip them off and then stood. Somewhere in her hormone-addled brain, that nagging voice tried to halt her descent into depravity, but the fire setting her pussy ablaze spoke louder.

  The alien men walked toward her, both intent on making this woman scream in pleasure like never before and only then seeking their own sweet release. Ny-len's hands came up to cup Rachel's tits. He squeezed gently to gauge her response, and when she sighed, he squeezed more firmly, forcing a moan to escape from Rachel's lips. Rogue moved behind Rachel and began running his hands along her hips, her waist, her thighs, driving her wild by avoiding the one place she longed to be touched. Ny-len squeezed her nipples and when the action elicited an even louder moan from Rachel, he squeezed harder and his fingers began to vibrate, enhancing the naughty sensation.

  And then Ny-len released the illusion he had cast, and he was suddenly naked before Rachel, the brilliant red markings tattooed his entire body, even the enormous cock that stood rock hard, and just an inch away from her smooth, firm stomach. Rachel's breath caught in her throat; an artist's masterpiece.

  “You're beautiful,” she whispered in awe.

  She could see, now that he stood so near, that the markings were slightly raised, adding a unique texture to the skin covering his body. And when she looked closely at the markings, she could see that this is where the light from him originated. While solid red from any sort of distance, up close the markings were peppered with thousands of tiny, glittering lights. The further one moved away from him, the more the light appeared to radiate from his body. And the flickering was like a pulse, but rather than increasing in speed like a human pulse would do in response to stimulation, his lights flickered brighter instead.